Wednesday 28 March 2012

47 year-old Woman jailed over sex with boy, 15, in Jeep

Susan Millman, 47, cried as she was locked up at Grimsby Crown Court after   admitting two offences of causing the teenage boy to have sex with her.
Millman had also used a webcam to lure other teenage boys by exposing her   chest on the internet and pledging to have sex with one of them.
Photographs of Millman, from Grimsby, Lincs, were plastered across social   networking site Facebook – and were viewed by teenagers.
Police became aware when an adult was informed and the victim was interviewed   by police.
Millman was sentenced to 18 months in prison on both counts, which will run   concurrently.
She was banned from working with children for life and ordered to sign on the   sex offenders’ register for ten years.
Millman’s husband, who owns a coach company, attended court and was said to be “standing   by his wife”, according to her barrister.
Prosecuting barrister James Byatt said Millman’s initial contact with the   youth was on Facebook and was of a friendly nature prior to the two offences   between September and November 2010 and January and March 2011.
He said: “She took a caring attitude and he confided in her. He felt he   could unburden himself and they had hugs. After rows with his mother he felt   he could go to confide in her.”
Millman met the boy on one occasion.
Mr Byatt added: “The nature of the communication changed and it became   more sexual. She would comment on his good looks.
“There was a message for him on Facebook every day and texts of a sexual   nature were sent. There were so many he asked her to stop it when he was at   school.”
Mr Byatt gave details of the first sexual encounter when she picked him up in her Jeep. On another occasion he climbed out of his bedroom window and again she picked him up in the Jeep in which they had intercourse.
Detectives later discovered evidence on a webcam of her revealing herself and   making provocative statements to one of the boys.
She was arrested on May 24 and told police the contact had not been sexual -   just kisses.
She told police: “He is chatty and bubbly, just like me.”
Mr Byatt said the youth could not consent to having sex and she should have   been aware of his emotional development.
Having had contact with his mother in the past, she ought to have realised the   boy’s vulnerable state, he said.
In a statement on the impact on her son, his mother said there had been upset   and he was “more insecure”.
The statement said the youth felt embarrassed and partly to blame.
The defendant, dressed in a blouse and black trousers, sobbed throughout, with   her head bowed.
For Millman, Simon Hirst said his client was adamant it was no fault of the   teenager.
He said: “She feels she has let a large number of people down. Her life   will never be the same.
“There was no element of planning. She behaved totally inappropriately   and she takes total blame.”
Mr Hirst said his client felt low self esteem at the time. Mr Millman went to   work at 6.30am, until very late and she gained attention from the youth.
Mr Hirst said: “The relationship may have compensated for shortcomings in   her marriage. She is remorseful and accepts full responsibility.”
Judge David Tremberg told Millman: “You were in a position of trust. You   could not have failed to know that any form of amorous relationship, let   alone full sexual relations with a boy 30 years your junior would have been   wholly inappropriate and illegal.
“You were prepared to engage him on Facebook, by telephone and texts.
“At the time you were involved he should have been concentrating at   school. He did not need to be distracted.”
He added she had “willingly” exposed herself to the boys on the   internet and that the incident had harmed the boys relationship with his   mother.
Following the hearing, investigating officer Detective Sergeant Stewart Watson   said: “Female sex offenders should not be treated any differently. I am   satisfied the court has recognised that.”
He said officers at Humberside Police safeguarding team were keen to hear from   any other victims: “I would urge victims of sex offences not to be put   off by the justice system. There are support mechanisms in place.”
Culled: The Telegragh

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