Wednesday 2 May 2012

'How I met and fell in love with my wife' - Actor Chidi Mokeme

Excerpts from his interview with Encomium magazine:

How did you meet your wife? 
I met my wife in America in 2008. I had gone for the inauguration of President Obama. There was one of the town hall balls that was organised in his honour by the 'Africa Business Round Table' in Maryland. I was there too. It was there I ran into my wife.

What was the attraction?
First, she's a pretty woman. She's imposing, she stands out. As soon as you see her, you will notice her. I think everything else must have grown with time. You begin to discover who she is. And then the more I discovered, the more I was sure we were going to end up married.

When, how and where did you propose?
I proposed to her in the states last year. It was a surprise. She came back from work one day, she opened the door and I was there. Candles were all lighted up, I was there inside her house on bended knees asking her 'Would you marry me?'

Some are asking why go for a US-based lady when there are thousands of home-bred ladies looking for husband?
I don't think that is a problem. It doesn't matter where a person in based. You don't marry a woman because of  where she is based. What matters is her personality. And then geographical location absolutely means nothing because that arrangement can be changed by one conversation. It doesn't take anything to relocate. If she would be relocating to Nigeria, we would make our family in Nigeria.

I earlier wanted to ask if Jean would be relocating to Nigeria, leaving her thriving practice in America or would you likely join her?
She is in a business that is required everywhere in the world. There is nowhere in the world you don't require the services of medical practitioners. She's not only a doctor, she's a doctor's doctor. That means she has a doctorate degree in a specialized area of medicine. She has a doctorate degree in pharmacy. You know she can never be out of work.

Is she your dream woman?
We said 'I do' (laughs)

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