Wednesday 18 July 2012

Condom Manufactures 'Durex', say Nigerians are the most sexually active

Condom manufacturers, Durex,yesterday released another report claiming that Nigerians are among the most sexually satisfied people in the world. I say another report because last year this same company claimed to have carried out a survey which showed that Nigerian women are the most unfaithful in the world. 

According to the global survey conducted online, Nigeria is first at 67%, followed by Mexico at 63% and India at 61%. Nigerians also take the longest time over sex -The survey also measured average time of sexual intercourse among respondents. “The Nigerians take the longest time over sex, at 24 minutes per session

The Indians have the quickest sex at 13 minutes per session and the least satisfied people in the world are the Japanese with 15% according to the survey. 

What are your thoughts? Do you think Nigerians are the most sexually satisfied in the world? Do you think this survey is for real?

1 comment:

  1. レイバン RB2140を買いましたが、イマイチ似合わないと思ってしまいました。サングラスが欲しいと思って、友達に相談したら、Ray Banがいいと言われ、一番人気のあるRB2140を買ってしまいました。改で、もっと自分に似合うレイバン モデルを探したいと思います。
