Thursday 8 November 2012

Kenyan Woman Names New Born Twins who were born on Election day “Barack & Mitt”

A Kenyan woman who gave birth on the day of the United States of America’s Presidential Elections has named her new-born twin boys Barack and Mitt. 

Millicent Owuor, 20, gave birth to the twins in south-west Kenya on the 6th of November, 2012 and named them after the US President Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney.

BBC reports that a short distance from the hospital, at the Obama family’s ancestral village of Kogelo, people were celebrating his victory. The new mother said she named the first twin Barack and the second one Mitt after the winning and losing US presidential candidates in order to remember the day of the vote. For her, she would never forget the day of the US elections.

This is pure show of love...Awesome.....

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